TBD Hwy 321 Highway, Houston, Texas 77535


Paige Martin



Real Estate Broker

Keller Williams Memorial

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About TBD Hwy 321 Highway

Looking for a secluded wooded tract of land to develop or build your custom home on? Located approx. 8 miles north of Dayton on the east side of F.M. Hwy 321, this surveyed 46.7019 acre tract is ready for you. Being unrestricted, a buyer could subdivide this land for a new residential subdivision, or build multiple homes for a private family complex, develop it into an RV park or campsite, use for recreational purposes such as hunting, camping, riding UTV/ATV'S on, etc... Call to inquire about this property.


TBD Hwy 321 Highway


Country Homes/Acreage

Houston 77535

2,034,334 Lot Sq Ft

General Description

Listing Price $952,750
City Houston
Zip Code 77535
Subdivision .
Listing Status Active
Baths 0 Full Bath(s)
Lot Size 2,034,334 / Survey
MLS # 92175590 (HAR)
Days on Market 498 days
Total Days on Market 498 days
Address TBD Hwy 321 Highway
State Texas
County Harris
Property Type Country Homes/Acreage
Bedrooms 0
Garage 0
Market Area Dayton
Key Map 999Z
Area 52

Taxes & Fees

Tax ID


Tax Rate


Taxes w/o Exemption/Yr


Maint Fee


Click here to read more about taxes & exemptions

Room/Lot Size

Interior Features













Exterior Features

Water Sewer

No Sewer, No Water

Private Pool


Area Pool


New Construction


Listing Firm

VanDeventer, Realtors

Schools (DAYTON - 74 - Dayton)

Name Grade Great School Ranking
Stephen F. Austin Elem (Dayton) Elementary None of 10
Woodrow Wilson Jr High Middle None of 10
Dayton High High 4 of 10
Read more about Houston's Top Schools

School information is generated by the most current available data we have. However, as school boundary maps can change, and schools can get too crowded (whereby students zoned to a school may not be able to attend in a given year if they are not registered in time), you need to independently verify and confirm enrollment and all related information directly with the school.

© 2002-2025 Houston Properties LLC. All rights reserved.

Paige Martin, Broker Associate, Keller Williams Memorial 1220 Augusta Dr, 300, Houston, TX 77057

All information is subject to change and should be independently verified.

Paige Martin's Rewards


Statistics and data is from the most recent available period, as of the time of this writing. No representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, are made to the accuracy of the information herein, or with respect to suitability, usability, feasibility, merchantability or condition of any property described herein. There is no official relationship between this website, the owner, or lessee/real estate agent and any properties described on this website (including, but not limited to owners, management companies, HOAs or associations) or visa versa. Data is presented for informational purposes only and does not represent a listing of a building, property or entity. All dimensions are approximate